Good to Great by Jim Collins

2021-01-12 2 min read Sincheenz

If you are an entrepreneur, management person, etc., then you might like this book. The book gives you useful tips and insights. It talks about Level 5 leadership—leaders who prioritize the success of the company over personal ego and ensure that the company lasts for years to come.

The author talks about focusing on getting the right people for the company and having an aligned team. He introduces the hedgehog concept—focus on three key questions: What are you passionate about? What can you be the best in the world at? What drives the economic engine?

He also tells you that greatness cannot be achieved in a day—it is a gradual process. You need consistent, disciplined effort over time.

It is very important to weigh your unwavering faith in eventual success with the brutal facts of the current reality and take action. This is the hallmark of good leadership.

Starting a company and ensuring sustainable growth was my key takeaway. Shortcuts and shortsightedness may cause immediate profits, but in the long run, can be very detrimental.

Each company—for that matter, each individual—has their own learning curve. It is always good to read how others did it, but there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Being “great” is in one’s own perspective. Every company or individual should define this for themselves. To me, the word “great” by itself is very questionable.

I do recommend this book for its sensible advice and interesting examples.

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