4000 Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
The author has presented an interesting perspective on life. The concept of finitude is not unknown to us, but we do not acknowledge it. Time is not an external entity but an integral part of us; we control it. The author has succeeded in addressing this issue well.
The parables and anecdotes are amusing and captivating. I particularly like the concept of the “joy of missing out”. Our choices are the result of the choices we make, including the ones we choose to miss out on. Therefore, we should enjoy what we choose and not fixate on what we might be missing out on. This is easier said than done, but once we accept that we can’t get back the time that has passed, we will feel more comfortable and at peace. Towards the end of the book, the author discusses how we place too much importance on the role we play, whether at work or in the family. While this makes sense to a certain extent, I still think it’s important to believe that I’m here for a reason and that I need to leave something behind that will be remembered. And of course I can only do that if I look forward and not backwards.
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